Amidst the salubrious Kalasa, a small town in Chikmagalore District of Karnataka, on 27th day of the month of April, in the year 1963, Shankar Shanbhogue was born, into a family who reared him in an ambiance steeped in spirituality. When Shankar was a young boy, he was inspired by his mother singing Dasa Sahitya with devotion, and was initiated into the world of devotional music by Sri B Radha Krishna Baliga . His training under Pandith Mahabaleshwar Bhagavath, Guru Madhav Bhat, Pandith Ramarao Naik, Pandith Rajabhau Sontakke, evolved him into today’s one of the finest young Hindustani Classical Music Singers adept in Khayal Singing in both Agra and Gwalior Gharanas. Thirst to delve deeper into the nuances of classical music he now pursues under Pandith Parameshwar Hegde. Though he holds diploma in Mechanical Engineering, it’s the love of music that has held him steadfast as a performer. Its to Sri B K Chandrashekar and Dr Maya Rao, Shankar expresses gratitude for bringing and upbringing him into the performing world. His travel to Canada and UK in the west, to the Countries in the middle East and his sojourn as a classical singer, as a play back singer both for motion pictures and non film musical recordings, as a composer for ballets and musical productions in the field of Dance, as a composer for National Games and Aero India Shows, his association with eminent maestros and music directors has now raised him to a different state of musical consciousness. Shankar feels, music should not become mere exercise to show off one’s control over technical nuances of music and its rendition should transcend entertainment. Music is pregnant with flavor that moves higher sensibility in the listener. The spark of devotion that was kindled by his mother, Bhakti Sahitya of the Haridasas, Vachanas of the Sharanas , writings that touches the human emotion and soul by contemporary poets has made Shankar realign his outlook of music and its power . Shankar now has a mission. A mission that raises humanism in every human being through the energy of music. For him music transcends beyond quenching the thirst of the senses. To him music is a medium to ease emotional turmoil’s of life and to raise human spirit into higher level of pure consciousness. Music for him takes mankind into that realm of peace and happiness. Even good music goes beyond mere stress release; it stirs the fathoms of the listener’s soul. Music as a profession, occupation and passion assimilates in him bringing spiritual dimension to his art. The emotion unexpressed but hidden between the lines of compositions, are brought out in all its nobility and purpose, that would make a listener evolve into a better man, nay a noble soul . Music for him is a sword that brings social reformation, social transformation, a revival of moralistic society. He now voyages across the world with the sole purpose of relieving the pain that lurks in the fathoms of the soul through music and singing Kavya, good poetry. It’s exactly these values that Shankar also desires to inculcate in the younger generation, citizens of tomorrow, through his unique concept of Kavya Sangeeta. Mental communication of the essence of poetry between the musician and the listener. An idea to form a “GURUKULA”. Is now fructifying.

Address: No.1152,1st Floor, 14th Main, 2nd Stage, West of Chord Road,Bangalore-560 086.
Contact Number: 9900140999/9481484642
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