Dr.Sainath Keshav Gawankar is the son of Sai Mahabhakta Dr.Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar. He was born on 20th May 1949 to Late Smt.Sushila K.Gawankar and Late Sri.Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar in Mumbai. Dr.Keshav B.Gawankar’s maintained a very large family. Dr.Sainath Keshav Gawankar was born as the 2nd last son in that big family of 7 Sons and 2 daughters.

Dr.Sainath K.Gawankar did his B.Sc (Honours) and Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines (B.A.M.S) from Mumbai University and is a Medical Practitioner by profession who is running his own clinic in Kurla, Mumbai.

Dr.Gawankar’s family is indeed a blessed family since the entire family members were forturnate to have Shri Sai Baba’s darshan on Monday, 18th January 1954, 36 years after Baba had taken Samadhi on 15th October 1918. They also possess the the original Kafni (secret treasure) worn by Shirdi Sai Baba and given to his father Dr.Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar in January 1918 when he was 12 years old and studying in 5th Standard in a Marathi School in Mumbai. 

Dr. Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar alias Annasahib   was   born   on   28th April 1906   at   Arnala near  Mumbai.   It  was   a   second   month   ‘Vaishakh’  according   to  Indian  Calendar   and   a   fifth  day   after   a   dark-night. (Shuddha  Panchami).   The   child’s   father   Bhagwant Rao   was   a   businessman   and  his   paternal   uncle  Vitthalrao (Bhagwanrao’s  brother )  was   a   medical   doctor. The   child  was   given  the  name, ‘Keshav’  and   a  pet  name  ‘Madhu’. His   horoscope   showed   the   brilliant  signs  of  his  spiritual  progress.  The  predictions   were   proved   to   be   true,  in  future. 

At   the   age  of   seven,  Keshav  suddenly   took   ill.  He  developed  a  high  temperature. Doctor’s diagnosis   was  ‘Empaima’. Chest   examinations   showed   the  symptoms  of   septic  inside. The   disease   did  not  respond  to  any   of  the   treatments  and  medicines  given.  Even   surgery   would  not   be  a   sure  remedy, according  to  doctor’s   opinion. Dr. Vitthalrao  and  another   Dr.  Dinkar  Galwankar   were   quite  worried.  Medical  sciences  were  not  so  advanced  in  those   days. Three   months   passed   over   in   anxiety  and   tension.

Yashwantrao   Galwankar  and  his   father-in-law,   Govindrao  Dabholkar  had   been   to   Shirdi   during   the  same   period. [ Govindrao  then  became  the  famous   devotee   of  Sai Baba   by  the  name  ‘Hemadpant’,  who  further   wrote   the  biography  of  Sai Baba,  titled  ‘Sai-Sat-Charitra’] Dabholkar   brought   Udhi (sacred  ash ) ,  Teerth ( holy  water  collected  after  washing  Baba’s  Lotus  feet) ,  and   a  photo-frame  of  Baba  from  Shirdi. They  came  to  Arnala.  As  per   their  suggestion  Dr. Vitthalrao   earnestly   prayed   to  Sai Baba, 

 “Keshav,  my  nephew  is   seriously   ill.  Baba, please shower  your  grace  upon   him  and   save  his  life.  When   he   gets  well,  I  will  send  him   to  Shirdi   with   five   kilos   sweets  (Pedhas)  as   Naivedyam.”

On  the  same  night,  Sai Baba  appeared   in  the  dream  of   Bhagwant Rao’s  sister (Thama Bai),  aunt  of  the  boy  Keshav kept a coconut in front of Baba’s photograph and prayed to Him resolve the problem that Keshav Rao was undergoing.  Same night in  the  dream,  Baba appeared.  Then  He  went  near   the  boy,    touched  him   and   passed  His   divine   hand   from  the  boy’s head   to  toe.  He  blessed  him  saying,  “Allah  will  set  everything   right.”(  Allah  Bhala  Kar  Dega....in  Hindi.).  Next  moment   He  disappeared   and  dream  came  to  an  end.

Next day morning when checked, Keshav’s body had become cold. Then she called Dr.Galwankar. He came and examined Keshav and said that the boy is normal and nothing to worry. Just  then   Keshav’s  fever  came   down  and  body-temperature   came  to  normal.  He   regained   consciousness.  A   small   hole  appeared  on   the   left   side  of  his   chest   and   all  the   pus   drained  out   from  the   hole. Everybody  was   relieved.   In  a  few   days  the  boy   regained   his   health  and   strength ; as  if  he  was  reborn   by  the  grace  of   Sainath.

Five   years   after  the  illness,  Keshav’s  Uncle  Ramachandra   and   Aunt  Thamabai   took   him  to  Shirdi   for  Baba’s  Darshan   in  order  to  fulfill  the   pledge   taken. Keshav  was   at  primary   school,  in  fifth  class. They   were  standing  in  a  queue   for  Darshan.  Baba   spotted   Keshav   and  called   him  to  come   towards  Him. (  Nobody   had  introduced  him  to  Baba.) He  asked, “ Where  are   ‘My  Pedhas’ ?  Uncle   Ramachandra  put  the  pack  of   five   kilograms  sweets  (Pedhas)  in  Keshav’s   hands,  which  he  passed  on  to  Baba.  He  opened  the   packet,  gave   four  pedhas  to  Keshav   and   finished  the   whole   remaining   stuff  alone !  Madhavrao  Deshpande   was  standing   nearby.  He   asked,  “ Deva,  what  is  this  going  on ?”   Immediately   Baba replied,   “This   boy   kept   me  starved  for   five   long  years ! So  I  am  eating  with   such  a  voracity.”

That   was  the  first  meeting  of  Keshav (Dr. Annasahib  Gawankar )  and  Sai Baba  at  his  age  of  twelve  years.  Sai Baba  fed    him   a  banana  fruit   with   His  own  Hand. He   then  gripped  the  tuft   of  hair  on  Keshav’s  head  and   banged  it   on  His  own   toe.  [Thread-ceremony   is   one  of  the  sixteen  ‘Sanskars’-rituals  carried  out   in  Hindu  Brahmin  family. It  is  done   when  a  boy’s  age  is  between  8 and  12  years.  In  this  ceremony,  it  is     customary   that  all  the  hair   of  the  head  are  shaved  except  a  tuft,  left  at  the  crest.  Keshav  had  just  undergone  that  ritual.]   Unexpectedly  Sai Baba  demanded,         “ Give  me   two  paisa.”(  64th  part  of  a  rupee )  Young   Keshav  was   confused  and  did  not  understand   what  was  to  be  done.  Madhavrao   was  still  standing   there.  He  pulled  Keshav’s  hand   and   clutched  it  into  Baba’s   right  hand.  He  told  the  boy,  “  Say ;  given.” Keshav   repeated  as  told. Sai Baba  accepted   and  said,  “Okay ; taken.”       
It  was  all  mock  ‘give  and  take.’!  But   truly  it   was  Baba’s  grace !! Such  an  immense  grace   it  was  that  Baba  removed   His   outer   ‘Kafni’ of  the  attire  He  was   wearing   and   gave  it  to  Keshav   as  ‘Prasadam’.

Keshav   was  too  young   and  innocent  to  understand  the   significance   and  importance  of  what  he   had  received   from  Baba !  How   invaluable   ‘Prasadam’   it  was !

Shama ( Madharao  Deshpande)  then  said  to   the  elders  who   were  with   Keshav,  “Keshav  at  this  age  will  not  be  able   to  protect  and   preserve  this  properly. I  will   handover the   ‘Kafni’  when  he   grows  up. Till   then  I  will take  care  of  it.” Madhavrao   kept  his  word  and   gave  the   ‘Kafni’  to  Keshav  when   he  became  an  adult.

The ancestral house Indira Niwas in kurla is under redevelopment project for a  duration of 3 years.

Shirdiche Sai Baba is a Biography of Sri Sai Baba in Marathi written by Dr.Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar in the year 1964. The story behind the writing of this book is very interesting.

In  1964, one  day, Dr. Annasahib  retired   from  the  day’s  work  and  went  to  bed  as  usual. He  was  fast  asleep.  After  midnight  his  sleep  was  interrupted  and  he  was  in  a  half-awake-state.  He  clearly   heard   Sai Baba,  who  said, “Come  on, Get  up and start writing my stories.”Dr. Annasahib   was  quite   sure  that  it  was  Baba’s  voice. He   immediately  rose   from  the  bed.  After   a  sincere   prayer  to  Baba  he  started   writing  the  biography   of  Baba. He  noted  the  time. It  was   1.30  after  midnight.  He  was  so  much  entranced  in  writing  that  he  did  not  stop  till  10  O’clock  in  the  morning! During  that  short  span  of  time  he  had  completed  twenty-one  chapters  of  the   book , “Shirdiche  Sai Baba.”  Sai Baba  got  this  ‘Seva’ (service)  done  by  Dr. Annasahib. This  too  is  a  grace  of  Baba,  that  He  gave  an  opportunity  of  the  service. The  biography   was  completed  in  due  course.  But  Annasahib  was  worried   about  it’s  publication.  He  had  no  funds  for  spending  on  it.  Sai Baba   is   still   alive   in   “Sanjeevan  Samadhi”  and  he  obviates   the  difficulties  of  his  devotees.   One  day  Shri  Ramanlal  Patel  came  to  Dr.  K.B. Gawankar (Annasahib),  and  offered  him  Rs. 4000/- for  the  publication  of  the  book. Shortly thereafter  it  was  published  and  was  quickly  sold  out  at  the  hands  of   many  devotees. The first marathi  edition  was  published  in  1966. After, over  forty  years,  by  the  tireless  efforts  of  Dr. Sainath  Keshav  Gawankar,  the  second  marathi edition  came  out  in  2006. In the later years, the book was translated to Gujarati as well. The Hindi, Telugu and Kannada versions of this great work of Dr.Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar is going on in full swing.

Dr.Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar was the Chairman of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan 1954. It was during this period, that the Marble Idol of Shri Sai Baba was installed in Samadhi Mandir.

There is an interesting story behind the installation of the Marble Idol of Shri Sai Baba. A controversy arose as to who should perform the Prana Pratishtapan of the Idol as Swami Sharananand was a Sanyasi and he was not eligible to do the Prana Pratishta. Then chit was put before Baba. In the chit the name Dr.Kehsav Gawankar came. However, since Dr.Gawankar and family had not arrived in Shirdi, it was decided that Dev Saheb andand his wife would perform the Prana Pratishta. In the meantime, the bus in which Dr.Keshav Gawankar and his family were travelling along with 16 other Brahmin Pundits got punctured and came to halt near Atgaon village situated between Shahpur and Katara. As the driver of the bus took the wheal to get the puncture rectified, Dr.Gawankar’s family members and 16 others took bath in the nearby river. Later, the driver of the bus came back and they started again towards Shirdi. But, somehow, one Brahmin Pundit did not board the bus and nobody took notice of him. Later the Brahmin Pundit caught hold of another truck and joined these people an hour later. The family along with Brahmin Pundits reached Shirdi late in the evening.  By that time Dev Saheb and his wife were about to perform the Prana Pratishta of the Idol. Seeing Dr.Gawankar and his family had arrived and in accordance with the verdict that came in the chit, Dr. Keshav Gawankar couple did the Prana Pratishta of the Idol. Since Swami Sharananad was a Sanyasi, he was not to perform the Prana Pratishta of the Idol. Hence, Swami Sharananad was given the honours of opening the curtain that was put in front of the Idol.  

He was the editor “Sai Leela” magazine for many years. He was also the author of three books on Shri Sai Baba in Marathi namely “Shiladhi” “Shirdiche Sai Baba” and “Sai Baba Hach Chamatkar”.

It was Ashadhi Ekadashi of 1985, Saturday.  Annasahib  was  counting  his  last  few   hours.  Dr. Argikar, M.D.  had  come  to   examine  Dr. Annasahib. He  said  to  the  physician,“Doctor,  (Argikar), I  am   able  to  see  the  seven  levels. I was  asked  my   ‘Beeja-Mantra’  and  stories  from   epics.  Sai Baba  is  building   a  bungalow  for  me !  I  can  see  it…….”.       In  the  evening   he  said, “  See !  Those pilgrims  of  Pandharpur  are  waiting  there. Make  arrangements  to  feed  them. If   you  do  not  have  money,  take  it  from  me. Store  enough  rice  for   Guru Poornima,  which  is  approaching.  My  bungalow   is    ready !.......”

On   29th  June  1985,  Dr. Annasahib  left  his  body  at  the  feet  of  Sai Baba.  Hundreds  of  his  devotees   came  for  his  last  Darshan  and  paid   their  obeisance  to  their  guru. Baba  had  told   Annasahib, “I   will  be  always  with  you .  Though  you  will  remain   fakir   till  your  end,   your  sons  will  rise  in  their  lives.”  

During the later years, Grandson of Late Govind Raghunath Dabholkar alias Hemadpant and Sai Mahabhakta Dev Baba alias Anant Prabhu Walavalkar guided Dr.Sainath Keshav Gawankar’s family towards Shirdi Sai Baba as their spiritual Guru.

As per the advice of his elder brother Pramod Gawankar (eldest son of Dr.Keshav Bhagawant Gavankar), Dr.Sainath K.Gawankar started a registered public trust namely “Dr.Anna Sahib Gawankar Sai Seva Trust, Mumbai” along with family members and some dedicated sai devotees in the year 1991 and is continuing the tradition of conducting Bhajan Sandhya, Annadan and other cultural programmes during the Kojagiri Poornima festival in Shirdi. Shri.Moreshwar Gawankar another elder brother is taking care of this Trust which is situated in Mulund (E), Mumbai. Kaka Mahajani and Dr.Yashwant Galvankar were doing the Kojagiri Poornima festival till the year 1931. In the year 1931 they entrusted the responsibility of conducting Kojagiri Poornima permanently to Dr.Keshav Bhagawant Gawankar. Since then this festival is managed by Gawankar’s family with the cooperation of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan.

Dr.Sainath K.Gawankar was conferred the prestigious “Sairatna Award” in the year 2014 by the Shiladhi Pratisthan, Shirdi in recognition of the great Sai Seva that he has been doing over the years.

Dr.Sainath K.Gawankar is married to Smt.Asmita Sainath Gawankar and is blessed with  Dr.Dnyanesh Gawankar, only son who is working as a General Surgeon in Mumbai and leading a peaceful life at his Kurla residence in Mumbai.

We have given below the contact details of Dr.Sainath K.Gawankar for the benefit of Sai Devotees:

Name Dr.Sainath Keshav Gawankar

No.402, Sunny Co-operative Housing Society,
L.B.S.Marg, Kurla,
Mumbai-400 070.
Maharashtra, India

Contact Numbers +91 22 2650 8830/+91 98198 17587
Email Address dnyaneshgawankar81@gmail.com
Website Address Not Available


(Source: Personal Interview with Dr.Sainath Gawankar on 4th March 2013 and 28th September 2014, “Baba’s Vaani” by Sai Bhakta Vinny Chitluri,  Article “A Mumbaikar's secret family treasure” by Media Journalist, Quaid Najmi – IANS India Private Limited, Kum.Shamshaad Ali Baig, Navi Mumbai; Photo Courtesy: Shri.Dnyanesh Gawankar, Mumbai and Shri.Nagaraj Anvekar and Shri.Chandrakant Jadhav, Bangalore).