Places Around Nagpur
Navanathas Navanathas ignited Bhakti movement in Maharashtra and performed various miracles to draw people towards Bhakthi panth. The Birth Stories of Navanathas
These birth stories of Nathas are unthinkable. These mysterious stories further gave rise to more mysteriousness about the Nathas. Still if we give a little deep thought the mystery behind these stories is solved automatically. We come to know from these stories that the Nathas are ayonisambhava. The navanathas took bodily possessions for the sole purpose of serving the downtrodden. They understood that the knowledge about the gods and those of Vedas will become ineffective and the common people will be left with no choice. Hence they created melodious lyrics and brought meaning in the life of these people. These incarnations of Navanatha are created for the welfare of the people. A reference to the effect is found in the grantha “Shri Navanatha Bhaktisaar” in the beginning. |
Machchindranatha |
Machchindranatha Machchindranatha was born to a fish in the river Yamuna. While he was in womb of the fish he listened to the sermon given of Lord Shankara to Goddess Parvati. When at last, Lord Shankara asked Parvati about the essence of the sermon Machchindranatha replied from the womb of the fish that, “only a single force (brahma) is filled in the whole universe. It is the only essence of your sermon.” After completion of the gestation period of the fish a divine child was born. Further this child was brought up a fishermen couple named Kamik and Sharadvata. |
Gorakshanatha |
Gorakshanatha This divine great personality was born out of a garbage dump. Machchindranatha had given holy ash to a lady called Saraswati for conceiving a son. But she threw the holy ash in the garbage on the saying of her neighbour. Twelve years later Machchindranatha returned to the village, and asked Saraswati about the child. She was frightened and told him the whole story. Machchindranath gave a call and immediately rushed a child with hallows from garbage. This child was nobody but Gorakshanatha. |
Jalandharnatha |
Once upon a time a king named Brihadrava was performing Somayajna at Hastinapur. Antarikshanarayana entered into the flames of the yajna. After the completion of the yajna, a bright child was obtained from the place of yajna. This child was Jalandharnatha. |
Kanifnatha |
Kanifnatha Once upon a time Brahmadeva was attracted towards goddess Saraswati. At that time a drop semen fell down and was carried away on winds and it entered into an ear of an elephant roaming in Himachal Pradesh. Afterwards Prabhuddhanarayana entered it as pre-planned and Jalandharnatha ordered to get out of the ear of the elephant. This is how Kanifanatha was born. |
Charpatinatha |
The birth story of Charpatinatha is equally unearthly. Once upon a time, when all the gods had assembled on the occasion of Parvati’s wedding, the semen of Brahmadeva fell due to the effect of Parvati’s beauty. At that time Brahmadeva crushed the semen with his heel. Thus it was divided in two parts and out of one part sixty thousand Walkhilaya sages were born. Another part fell into a river and stuck into a reed. As planned earlier one of the Navanathas i.e. Pippalayan entered it. And thus originated a child, which became famous as Charpatinatha afterwards. |
Naganatha |
Naganatha Long ago a female serpent had consumed the semen of Brahma and the fetus was developing in her body. After completion of the gestation period the serpent laid an egg. And from the egg Vatasiddha Naganatha was born. |
Bhartarinatha |
The birth story of Bhartarinatha is equally mysterious and unbelievable. It is not possible to unearth the mystery behind it no matter how hard we imagine. Once upon a time Surya fell in love with the heavenly beauty of Urvashi and excreted semen. A portion of this semen fell into the alms utensil of sage Kaulik. The sage by virtue of his inner knowledge came to know that Drumilnarayana is going to take birth from the semen after 3103 years. Hence he kept the alms utensil (Bhartari) in a secured place, and as planned Drumilnarayana entered in it and came to life in the form of a child was born. This child is known as Bhartarinatha. |
Revananatha |
Revananatha In early period Brahmadeva’s semen fell on the banks of river Reva and as planned Chamasnarayana entered it. And ultimately Revananatha was born in child form through it. |
Gahaninatha |
Gahaninatha Once upon a time when child Gorakhsa was playing with other children, he made a statue out of clay. He was chanting the Sanjeevani Mantra in order to learn it by heart simultaneously making the statue. As he was chanting the Sanjeevani Mantra suddenly the statue came to life. This child was nobody else but Gahaninatha. At a later stage he was brought up a Brahmin called Madhu and his wife Ganga. |
About Navanath Seva Pratishthan Mr. Mukund Rao (Dada) Andhare established ‘Navnath Seva Pratishthan.’ Pratishthan is group of nath believers who always try to communicate same massage to the society with different programmes and publications.Some important publications are 1)Shri Navnath Upasana Currently Pratishthan is helping to build a temple of Guru Machchindranath.You can also contact for more details at : 38 , Balaji Nagar (East),Manewada Road, Nagpur ,Maharashtra, India.Ph.0712-2748645 |
Hazarat Tajuddin Baba "Chhota Taj-Bagh", the arrow pointing at the stone upon which Tajuddin Baba used to rest most often. The inner view of the Tomb Shrine of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba. "Taj Bagh", the Tomb Shrine of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba, Umred Road, Nagpur Distt. MS (India).
Hazarat Tajuddin Baba Tajuddin Baba of Nagpur was born on the 21st of January in the year 1861 at a place called Kamptee situated near Nagpur in the state of Maharastra. He was one of the Five Perfect Masters of Meher Baba. Tajuddin Baba was born as a unusual child. It is said that he did not cry as a baby and physical torture was done to him by his parents in order to make the child cry. Baba wore the marks of these tortures on his body until last. Like Narayan Maharaj, Tajuddin Baba also lost his parents at a very tender age. His maternal grandmother and uncle Abdul Rahman looked after his needs. While studying as a child in a Madarasa or a School in Kampti, near Nagpur, he came in contact with a spiritual master Hazrat Abdulla Shah, who immediately recognized the spiritual potential in the child and initiated him to the path, by giving him a dry fruit to eat. Baba was given the instruction to "Eat less, sleep less and speak less. Read Quran”, by Hazrat Abdulla Shah. With this contact Tajuddin Baba lost all his material consciousness and started enjoying oneness of "Adwaita". His personal experience of the oneness made him isolate from the world and he remained in personal seclusion, away from the world. Later at the age of 20 during 1881, He joined the Nagpur Army Regiment as a sepoy (Soldier). The gift of the Master was in His heart and He hardly found any solace in the day to day working of the Army. After this regiment was posted to Sagar, Baba spent most of His time with Hazrat Baud Saheb, a very well known spiritual person of Sagar. This Hazrat Baud Saheb thus became a spiritual Guru of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba. With more and more time being spent with Hazrat Baud Saheb, His official work suffered and ultimately he tendered resignation to become free, which He already was. His oneness with God made Him unaware of the world around Him and He started roaming in the streets of Sagar naked like a Mast. Gradually His relatives and friends came to know about this and they called Him back to Kampti near Nagpur. All medicines and various Doctors were tried but of no avail Tajuddin remained in His state of absolute forgetfulness of the world. Although the stories of His miracles spread, yet the society started opposing His naked roaming from here to there and unfortunately He was admitted to a Mental Asylum on 16th of August 1892. Hazrat Tajuddin Baba's glory spread from the Nagpur Asylum as He was often seen outside the Asylum in Nagpur and at various places in Kamptee. The British officers of the Army who were surprised at this, made proper investigations and found Him properly locked up in the Asylum. Ultimately the investigating officials became His disciples, and started to regularly visit Him. The Hospital became a place of pilgrimage to the growing number of visitors day by day, who came to Baba for blessings. Later Maharaja Bahadur Shrimant Raghoji Rao Bhonsle, the Maharaja of Nagpur became a disciple of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba and moved an application for His release to the Governor, against a security deposit of Two thousand rupees. On the 21st of September 1908, after His release, Baba was brought to Maharaja's 'Palace'. Since then this Palace, which is now within the heart of the Nagpur City, Baba became the epicenter of Tajuddin Baba's divine work. Hazrat Tajuddin Baba, like all other Spiritual Persons who become known for their compassion, was constantly being approached by the rich and the poor for a cure for the worldly pains and no one ever left without His blessing and what-so-ever material desires they wished. His Glory spread like jungle fire and thousands and thousands came to the palace at Shakardara to bow down to Him. Taj, as the word means, was the crown of Divinity, for a stream of disciples from all walks of life, and from all schools of religious faiths. By 1925 Baba was nearly 65 years old, and became weak and exhausted. It was in August 1925 that Baba's health deteriorated much, and Maharaja Raghoji Rao availed the services of the best Physicians of Nagpur to treat Baba, but of no avail. Baba was asked if He would permit the large number of devotees who were anxiously awaiting for a glimpse of their Hazrat, and with Baba's willingness, the Palace was opened to all, who came in a large number for a last blessing from the King of Kings, the Taj of Sadguru's, Hazrat Tajuddin Baba. It was so, on 17th of August 1925, that Baba left the physical form, but He is and shall always remain in the hearts of all of His devotees. |