Sai Mahabhakta Rajaballi Mohammed Khoja was a Contractor who resided at Turner Road, Bandra, Mumbai of Maharashtra State.

On 27th September 1936, he narrated in his own words the experiences he had with Shri Sai Baba to Late Shri.B.V.Narasimha Swamji as below:

I had darshan of Sai Baba some eight years before he took Maha Samadhi. I visited Shirdi as I had heard good accounts about Sai Baba from people in Mumbai.

I went to Nasik as some carts of tanning bark were not being delivered on time from there. Even after I went there the work was getting delayed. Since I had nothing to do at Nasik I decided to spend my time usefully by going to Shirdi to have darshan of Sai Baba. I regard Sai Baba as a great Saint with vast powers which are possible only to those who have Atmajnana. Accordingly I went and offered Him a Coconut and Sugar-Candy. Baba did not ask dakshina from me and I also did not offer it to Him. I asked for His permission to leave Shirdi on the same day or the next day early morning. But Sai Baba said, "That man is not ready to deliver your goods". Hence, I did not want to waste more time at Nasik and spent two or three days in Baba's company at Shirdi. I did not have any specific questions in mind to ask Him. I only wanted my faith in Him to increase manifold. I wanted that at my death, I may die possessed of full imam or faith so that I may have a good end. I prayed to Him mentally for that and asked for His blessings. Baba placed His hand on my hand and blessed me. From that time onwards, His blessings have borne fruit. My faith in Him has steadily increased. Besides that, I have great faith in Him and His Udhi. For instance, above five years back, my she-buffalo was in great labour pain trying to deliver a calf. Pained at her suffering, I sent word for the Veterinary Surgeon. He tried his best. Especially as I was the Chairman of the Sanitary Committee of the Municipality, he was glad to help in such a difficulty. But, even he could not do anything. Then I thought of Baba's Udhi. Accordingly, I placed some Udhi on the head of the buffalo and hoped that Baba would kindly come to its aid. Just in about ten minutes, she safely delivered. There was no more trouble. There are plenty of cases in which I have used Baba's Udhi and every time the result has turned out to be positive with success. I every day apply Udhi on my chest, eyes, forehead and think of Baba. By doing like this, all my difficulties are overcome.

Baba is undoubtedly a Saint with vast power. According to Islamic traditions Saints never die. They just pass from one state to another. That is all. I have visited Tajuddin Baba of Nagpur and Baba Jan of Pune around the year 1928. I have had numerous experiences of these Saints. These visits to Saints have given me earthly benefits as well as strengthened my faith in them which I have to relay at death. I believe in the famous saying "Once being in the company of a Saint is better than saying a hundred prayers by yourself".

I have kept porcelain statue of Sai Baba and His picture in my house. My family regulary burn Agarbathi before it on Thursdays.

(Source: Devotees' Experiences of Sri Sai Baba Part I, II and III by Sri.B.V.Narasimha Swamiji)