Sai Mahabhakta Shri.Nageshwar Atmaram Samant worked as a Police Sub Inspector at Mumbai, Maharashtra. He first visited Shirdi in the year 1926 along with his wife and eldest son Manohar who was then 2 years old. After attending the Sai Baba Punyatithi Festival at Shirdi, he went to Poona to see Baba Jan. He had kept Rs.2 in his inside pocket when he neard Poona. After from Rs.2 he had no other change with him. He thought Rs.2 is sufficient to go from Poona Station to Lashkar to see Baba Jan. He engaged a Victora (to and fro) for Rs.1.80 When he went to Baba, He bought a flower garland for 4 or 6 annas. He also paid for Fakirs, tea and bread Rs.1.40. After He returned to the station, he paid the victoria man Rs.1.80 and got into the train. When Nageshwar put his hand into his pocket casually, to his utter surprise, he found Rs.2 though he had spent more than Rs.3. He had some notes in other pockets which he had not changed. He wondered how the Rs.2 multiplied so far. He did not think about the phenomemon when he paid for Fakir's tea, flowers and Victoria Hire. This was the first time he took out a specified sum and set it apart for expenditure! In March 1929, he went on two months' sick leave and went to his native village. He was alright for about 15 days. After that, his father went to catch fish against his repeated requests. Nageshwar did not approve of his father's actions as he felt that they were acting against Baba's wishes. Nageshwar's father brought some fishes alive. Nagehwar advised his mother that killing a live fish was not at all proper. And all of a sudden Nageshwar was bed ridden with high fever. Nageshwar's mother was anxious about her son's health. Then Nageshwar told his mother that if she wants him to recover from fever, they should stop killing children of fishes. Nageshwar's father applied Baba's Udhi on his forehead and prayed to Baba that if His son recovered and becomes alright from the next day morning, he will give up eating fish. In the next five minutes, Nageshwar's temperature came down and he became alright. In the year 1931 or 1932, He had received summons to attend a criminal case at Chalisgaon before the Mamaltdar which he attended. But, as the case got adjourned, he requested the court to allow him to attend on the adjourned date about 1:30 pm. After about a month, he received summons in the case. On the way, he visited Shirdi by starting one day earlier to the date of the Case hearing. Next morning, He left Shirdi to go to Chalisgaon by the early morning train. But, because of the Bus delay, he reached Kopergaon town at about 10:15 AM and the next train which he was supposed to take leaves Kopergaon Station at about 10:30 AM. There was no Tonga when he reached the Station. Since he was in plain clothes nobody in Kopergaon knew about him. The buses refused to take him to the station. Nageshwar prayed to Baba in his mind to bail him out of the crisis. Suddenly, he heard somebody crying out: 'Foujdar Sahib'. Nageshwar looked to see who called. He could see a policeman who asked if he was a Foujdar. Nageshwar replied to him in the affirmative. Then, he ordered a bus to take Nageshwar to the station and accordingly that bus took him in time to catch the train and be at Chalisgaon for the Court Trial. If Nagehwar had missed attending the Court, he could have been in for more trouble. Around the year 1931, Nageshwar had occupied an upper storey room of Nawalkarwada. The walls had cracked on several places. Scorpoions abounded and there was great danger of the walls coming down suddenly. Just then, R.A.Tarkhad had found them to be dangerous and left the room. But he had warned Nageshwar to be careful. But, Nageshwar had no other place to stay and in the 2 days of his stay there during Ramanavami, nothing happened. He left Shirdi and went to Mumbai and there he got a letter that the walls had collapsed shortly after he left Shirdi. This incident happened some years ago. A Scorpion was in the cap of Nageshwar when he was in Shirdi. He did not notiuce it but put it on at Shirdi and when he got the hat off his head at Mumbai (some 12 hours after his start), he saw the scorpion inside just as he was going to place it on the peg. The Scorpion had not hurt Nageshwar all the time when he wore the cap! Once, Nageshwar slept in a room adjoining Baba's Samadhi in Shirdi. He found about the middle of the night, music coming from the Samadhi which he could not explain. (Source: Devotees' Experiences of Shri Sai Baba, Parts I, II and III by Poojya Shri.B.V.Narasimha Swamiji) |