Sai Mahabhakta Lakshman Govind Mungi was a Petition Writer who lived in Nasik, Maharashtra. On 15th October 1936, he narrated in his own words the experiences he had with Shri Sai Baba to Late Shri.B.V.Narasimha Swamji which has been mentioned in his book. Lakshman Mungi went to Shirdi and had first darshan of Sai Baba about 46 years ago. He had his relatives Shri.Vaman Rao Ranganath Vizapurkar and his brother Sakharam. Lakshman Mungi worked as a Clerk under the Senior Mamlatdar, Chidambar Keshav Gadgil. Lakshman Mungi accompanied Chidambar Keshav Gadgil and Nana Saheb Nimonkar when they went to Shirdi. Both of them took darshan of Baba at Dwarakamai and Lakshman Mungi also followed suit. Just then Lakshman Mungi was thinking and wondering as to how Baba was being worshipped by Hindus. When Lakshman Mungi was in this frame of mind, Baba told Mr.Gadgil "Give me my Kharkhya (Dates), Agarbhatti (Incense Stick) Poweder and my one rupee". These words of Baba caught Lakshman Mungi's attention. Because, just the previous night before retiring to bed, Gadgil had set aside some Dates, one rupee and a packet of Agarbhatti saying, these have to be given to Sai Baba. Baba asked for the same 3 items from Shri.Gadgil and accepted them.This clearly showed the Clairovoyance or Omniscience of Baba. Then Nana Saheb Nimonkar voluntarily offered a ten rupee note to Baba. Baba however declining the gift said "I am a fakir. I will not take this". Saying like that Baba at once disposed off the above articles. The rupee was given to the Oil Merchant for supplying Oil to light the lamps in Dwarakamai Masjid. The sticks were burnt and the dates were distributed to all the devotees present at that time in the Masjid. These facts were very striking and Lakshman Mungi felt that Baba worship was proper. Lakshman Mungi again visited Baba in the year 1890 when he was aged 26 years. Sai Baba was then staying at the Maruti Temple at Rahata. Lakshman Mungi had gone to Rahata in order to get the help of his maternal aunt's husband at Rahata. Lakshman Mungi's marriage was settled. But he had to get jewels to offer it to his would be Bride. Lakshman Mungi thought that his uncle would help in the matter and hence went to Rahata to meet him. There seeing Baba at the Maruti Temple, Lakshman Mungi went and met Him. Baba welcomed Lakshman Mungi saying: "Come Child, I was thinking of you yesterday", and asked Lakshman Mungi to massage his leg. Lakshman Mungi did accordingly.Then He gave a mango and asked Lakshman Mungi to eat it. Lakshman Mungi ate it and found that it was very tasty indeed. Then Baba asked Lakshman Mungi "Why you have come to Rahata?". Mungi answered: "Baba, my marriage is settled. I have no jewels to put on the bride. I have come to borrow some jewels". Then Baba said: "Who is whose? Who gives? Who receives? None will give timely help. If you require Rs.1,000 or 2,000 (which was the worth of ornaments at that time) take it from me". Lakshman Mungi was just looking at Baba as he sat robed in a sack cloth and holding a mere tin as His only utensil. Lakshman Mungi thought "How will He give me all this?". Mungi then got up and left to the house of his relative. Laxman Mungi went there and explained his need to his maternal aunt's husband. He said that he had no jewels. Hence, Lakshman Mungi returned in cheerless mood. Mungi was thinking of postponing the marraige for sometime for want of Jewels. When Lakshman Mungi was thinking like this, his friend came to meet him and Mungi explained him the exact situation. He at once came to Lakshman Mungi's rescue and introduced him to a rich Gujarati person at Sinner who lent Lakshman Mungi some anklets, a nose screw and he took out 30 tolas of gold which were converted into jewels in one day. He gave those jewels also to Lakshman Mungi on a monthly interest basis. Thus, Baba through Lakshman Mungi's friend and the Gujarati Person fulfilled His promise and the marraige was duly celebrated without any postponement. After Lakshman Mungi's marriage, he used to visit Shirdi every year and had darshan of Sai Baba. For some years, the couple used to get children but they died after a very short life. In 1912, Lakshman Mungi went and cried before Baba about this misfortune and prayed that He would Bless atleast with one son who is blessed with longevity. Baba told Lakshman Mungi: "Why do you ask me for one? I will give you two". As per Sai Baba's prophecy, the couple got two sons (one aged 13 years and the other 10 years) and 2 daughters (one aged 27 years and the other 18 years). Lakshman Mungi used to regularly worship Sai Baba's picture at home and offer prayers to Him. And Sai Baba regularly granted his wishes. One such instance is as below: Once Lakshman Mungi had a guest and his daughter staying in his house. His daughter suddenly fell ill and became serious. She lost consciousness. Lakshman Mungi immediately took Baba's Photo and Baba's Udhi and placed the photo near her head and applied Udhi to her face and body at night. The next morning itself, the consciousness was restored and her mother vowed to pay Rs.10 to Baba and promptly paid it as well. Lakshman Mungi was married to Janakibai Lakshman Mungi. The couple had a Son Krishnarao Lakshman Mungi. Krishnarao Lakshman Mungi was married to Vimala Bai Krishnarao Mungi. The couple had two sons namely Shri.Vidhyadhar Krishnarao Mungi and Shri.Dattatreya Krishnarao Mungi. They also had two daughters. Shri.Vidhyadhar Mungi, Grandson of Lakshman Govind Mungi is now staying along with his two sisters and brotgher in their ancestral home. This Mungi Wada was built 125 years ago by Lakshman Govind Mungi himself. This is the only ancestral property the family has now. Late Smt.Vimala Bai Krishnarao Mungi & Late Shri.Krishnarao Mungi Mungi Wada Shri.Vidhyadhar Mungi says: "Till my grand father was living in Mungi Wada, many Sai Mahabhakta's used to often visit him. Even Baba's contemporary Saint from Shegaon, Shri.Gajanan Maharaj once visited Mungi Wada. My father, myself and my brother and sisters were born in this Mungi Wada itself. Apart from this ancestral property made by my grand father Lakshman Mungi, we do not own any other property". We are giving below contact details of Shri.Vidhyadhar Mungi for the benefit of Sai Devotees: Vidyadhar Krishnarao Mungi (Source: Devotees' Experiences of Sri Sai Baba Part I, II and III by Sri.B.V.Narasimha Swamiji & Personal Interview Shri.Jignesh C.Rajput had with Shri.Vidhyadhar Mungi on 9th July 2023. Photo Courtesy: Shri.Jignesh C.Rajput, Surat) |