Sai Mahabhakta B.Laghate was former Sub-Judge, belonged to Brahmin Caste and resided at Shaniwarpeth in Pune, Maharashtra.

On 20th July 1936, he narrated in his own words the experiences he had with Shri Sai Baba to Late Shri.B.V.Narasimha Swamji as below:

I went to Shirdi for the first time around the year 1913 or 1914. I was in a serious trouble and hence went to take His Blessings to get rid of that trouble. When I approached Him at Dwarakamai, He asked for Dakshina and I gave it. Immediately after that, without being asked, Sai Baba Himself told me "Sow Margosa and afterwards cut off that tree". I could not make anything of His utterance. It was definitely not the Blessings for which I went to Shirdi to meet Him. I was totally disappointed and never went and met Him again. When I visited Shirdi, I stayed with Hari Sitaram Dixit who was a staunch devotee of Sai Baba.

There was a bribary case in the Criminal Court against B.Laghate for having taken bribes and he was convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment with a heavy fine. The judgment was confirmed on appeal. It was then, when the appeal was pending for judgement, B.Laghate went to Baba to get His Blessings for sucess in the court case. Baba's use of Parable "Sow Margosa and afterwards cut off that tree" was about the Law of Karma. Baba meant that if one sows a bitter seed, the result must also be bitter and of the same sort. Hence, Baba opined that it is better for an individual to pay the price or penalty for one's mistake and wash off one's karmic debt in the same lifetime and profit in the future from the lesson of the past.

(Source: Devotees' Experiences of Sri Sai Baba Part I, II and III by Sri.B.V.Narasimha Swamiji)