Dadaji Gopinath Joshi a resident of Ram Maruti Road, Dadar, Mumbai went to Shirdi in 1932. His son aged 12 months was suffering from small pox and fever. His condition was very serious. He applied Baba's Udhi and Teertha and without any medicine his son became normal. He had made a vow that he would take his son to Shirdi. Somehow, he failed to keep up the promise for a very long period of time. One day his son got fits. Dadaji then remembered his vow and the breach of promise he had made to Baba. He again made a vow that he would positively and quickly take his son to Shirdi and offer prayers as promised if his son got cured. By the grace of Sai Baba, his son got cured. Thus, in 1932, Dadaji took his son to Shirdi and performed Abhishek. Later, when they started back from Shirdi and were near Kopergaon, the boy got fits again. Another Sai Mahabhakta Shri.R.B.Purandare who was accompanying them advised them to go back at once to Shirdi and check whether all the vows were fulfilled properly as promised to Baba. Then Dadaji remembered that he had only performed Abhishek and rest of the vows were pending to be completed. Hence, Dadaji returned to Shirdi and completed the remaining vows. The boy who was half conscious and was suffering from fits till then, climbed up the Samadhi of Baba and started clapping his hands! Thus, the boy was completely cured of his ailment and there was no more trouble. Again next year, i.e., 1933, Dadaji went again to Shirdi. On the way at Kopergaon, Dadaji, his wife and his son got down in River Godavari to take bath. Dadaji holding his son in his arms and his wife reached the middle of the stream. The under current of the Godavari River was very strong and it seemed they would be washed away by the under current. Dadaji started feeling giddy. At once, he closed his eyes and started praying to Sai Baba for help. Within the next 5 minutes, Balaji Pilaji Gurav, a worker with Shri Sai Baba Sansthan came from nowhere to the middle of the stream and helped all the family members of Dadaji to cross the river to safety. Once, Dadaji was celebrating his son's Tuft Ceremony at Kashi and wanted to Perform Abhishek to Baba simultanteously at Shirdi. But, Dadaji forgot to inform Nanu Poojari at Shirdi and hence, simultaneous Abhishek to Baba could not be performed. After the completion of Tuft Ceremony, they went from Kashi to Gaya and while they were staying in Gaya, his son got fits attack again. Dadaji immediately remembered his failure to perform Abhishek to Baba at Shirdi and wrote at once to Nanu Poojari to perform not one but two abhisheks to Baba. After this, they could travel without any problem and the boy's health was also restored. In the year 1934, Dadaji's son was suffering from fever. None of the doctors could diagnose it properly and give treatment to the boy. Finally, Udhi was applied and Teertha was given to the boy to drink. The boy got cured of fever at once. In the year 1935, Dadaji's son was suffering from a huge swellling in the toe. The doctors who examined the boy wanted to ampute the toe and remove it. But, Dadaji prayed to Baba and applied Udhi to the affected area and the boy was cured in due course. (Source: Devotees' Experiences of Sai Baba by Parama Poojya Late Shri.Narasimha Swamiji) |