Sai Mahabhakta Balwant Hari Karnik was working with Bombay Customs Department and was a resident of Ghodbunder Road, Bandra, Mumbai. On 19th September 1936, he narrated in his own words the experiences he had with Shri Sai Baba to Late Shri.B.V.Narasimha Swamji as below: I am a regular worshipper of Sai Baba at home and I regularly visit Shirdi every year. My faith towards Sai Baba began when I listened to the Keertans of Das Ganu Maharaj. I went and had my first darshan of Sai Baba in the year 1911 when Sai Baba was in flesh and blood. His powerful eyes impressed me so much that my faith in Him grew manifold. Even though I did not have any conversation with Him, I resolved to visit Him every year. After my first visit my parents visited Sai Baba. We used to regularly worship Sai Baba at our Home. I have no special experience to share about Sai Baba. I always went to Him without any special reasons or requests in my mind. But, in the year 1918, on the day of Guru Poornima, I had a special urge to ask Him about my spiritual welfare. But, Baba was in a very angry mood and hence, I thought I will have to go back dissatisfied. But, as I was getting into my Tonga, Nana Wali came near me, embraced me and said "ALLAH TERA ACHCHA KAREGA". My wife who had seen Sai Baba and had developed special devotion towards Sai passed away in the year 1928. Before death embraced her, she was unconscious for 6 to 7 days and was suffering from Post-parturition troubles for 9 months. I took Sai Baba's photograph and placed it before her. Just before she passed away, she got back her consciousness, folded her hands and made pranams to Sai Baba's picture and to me and told her elder sons to attend to the younger ones and passed away peacefully. This way Baba blessed her and gave her Sadgati. When I went for the first time to Shirdi, Baba demanded and took Rs.10 as Dakshina from me. Hence, I was left with no money for the return journey. But, just at the right moment, my friend Mr.Toser (known as Narayanashram, Sanyasi of Wai) turned up and lent me exactly the money that I wanted. Once, I and my wife wanted to visit Phandharpur and other nearby holy places and so took Rs.100 with us. Before going to other places, we first visited Shirdi. We stayed there for 2 days. Sai Baba took the entire amount of Rs.100 as Dakshina from us on those two days. Thus, we were forced to drop the idea of visiting other places of Pilgrimage. Baba wanted to show that Shirdi indeed was Phandharpur and all other holy places put together. The scriptures say that "All the Holy teerthas are present at the lotus feet of a Saint or Sadguru or Satpurusha". After Baba took all the money as Daskhina from us, he permitted us to leave Shirdi. Then I told my friends at Shirdi that I could not go since all my funds have been exhausted. But, the friends told me that after Baba had permitted them to leave Shirdi, it was wrong to stay on. Then suddenly Mr.Toser came to Shirdi and got for me a loan from somebody in Shirdi, the amount that I required. I had a feeling that with the Dakshina that I offered to Baba, He was feeding the poor and helping many Fakirs, poor people etc and thus my money was spent towards Charity. After I came in contact with Sai Baba, I used to get premonition of the upcoming evils and was getting the required courage to face them. (Source: Devotees' Experiences of Sri Sai Baba Part I, II and III by Sri.B.V.Narasimha Swamiji) |